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Mike Spence

Maldonado Votes for Nanny State Smoking Bill, While Four Dems Vote No!

SB 7 allows cops to give $100 tickets to drivers who are smoking in a car with children under 17. Is this really the proper role of government? We all know that houses are next. While, I’m a non-smoker this is not what government should be doing.

What’s worse is when Republicans go along with the Nanny State while even Democrats are voting no. FOUR Democrats voted against SB 7 (Correa, Ducheny, Machado, Negrete McCleod). Yet Abel Maldonado voted yes. 

Maybe when he ran for controller he thought it was a position that controlled every aspect of people’s lives.

One Response to “Maldonado Votes for Nanny State Smoking Bill, While Four Dems Vote No!”

  1. Says:

    I feel like there is an echo in Sacramento. First an attempt to criminalize pet owners now smokers in their own automobiles. These people fought Jessica’s law. Someone needs to remind these people there are serious crimes out there.What is next maybe jail time for not separating your brown glass bottles from your clear. Oops my bad they are already trying this in San Diego.