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Mike Spence

CRP Resolutions Committee Chair is Paris Hilton Attorney

In reading about today’s continued persecution of poor Paris Hilton, I saw this in the SacBee.

"A former district attorney, Robert Philibosian, also represented Hilton. He said that the law supports the sheriff in making an independent decision on her custodial situation." See full article here.

Bob was appointed DA of Los Angeles County By Gerrge Deukmejian (Bob replaced John Van De Kamp who was elected Attorney General). I was honored to vote for him in 1984. Unfortunately he lost.

Bob has been Chair of the CRP Resolutions Committee for some time and also helps screen judicial candidates for support from the LA Lincoln Club. Now I know someone famous! 

One Response to “CRP Resolutions Committee Chair is Paris Hilton Attorney”

  1. Says:

    That is just sad.