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Jon Fleischman

Congratulations Orange County Fair Board Director Mary Young!

Thankfully, unlike his appointments in Glenn County, Governor Schwarzenegger has seen fit to keep the Orange County Fair Board solidly Republican.  His latest appointment, FR has learned, is our friend and the Orange County Republican Party’s Secretary Mary Young!

Here’s the official write-up on Mary:

Mary Young, 63, of Aliso Viejo, has been appointed to the Orange County Fair Board of Directors (32nd District Agricultural Association).  She has owned Quiet Village Mobile Home Park and Las Brisas Apartments since 1990.  Young is active in her community and is a member of the Republican Presidential Task Force, Orange County Youth Commission and is a former member of Choices/Teen Awareness.  She founded and is past president of the Aliso Viejo Republican Women Federated.   This position does not require Senate confirmation and there is no salary.  Young is a Republican.  

Congratulations Mary!