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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Update: State Run Health Bills Up

Update: After much debate, the assembly passes AB 8 out on a party line vote of 47-32.  

One of my favorite arguments against was by Assemblywoman Audra Strickland.  When speaking of a government run plan [the same government that has prison health care in receivership and Medi-cal in a shambles] promising higher quality, speedier access and lower costs she referred to a workplace poster that said.  "Low Cost, Quality, Speed…Pick Any Two."  Also, she compared to a Las Vegas buffet where you can pick from mediocre food, the choices made by someone else for you, while the good stuff is elsewhere in short supply [rationing]  

The effort by government to  further takeover your health care choices rolls on. 

The Senate earlier passed the Don Perata bill, SB 48, 23-16, while we are currently debating the Assembly counterpart, AB 8 by The Speaker.  Republicans are articulating our market, free choice proposals through floor amendments and reminders of our 18 bill package that were stopped in Committee on party line votes.