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Mike Spence

AB 16, HPV Vaccine Bill Passes: 2 GOP Lawmakers Vote Yes. One Dem Votes No!

AB 16 passed today 44-28. To answer the question of how many Republican voted for a bill opposed by CFRW, CYR, YRFC and many pro-family groups is still at two (Emmerson, Huff). One Democrat voted no (Parra). See previous post on issue here.
The following GOP Legislators actually stood up and opposed the bill. Joel Anderson, Doug La Malfa, Alan Nakanishi, Ted Gaines, Martin Garrick and Bonnie Garcia. Garcia was previously a co-sponsor, but became an opponent after amendments were added that ceded legislative authority to an unelected government official.

Audra Strickland was out there whipping the caucus for no votes as well.

3 Responses to “AB 16, HPV Vaccine Bill Passes: 2 GOP Lawmakers Vote Yes. One Dem Votes No!”

  1. Says:

    “ceded legislative authority to an unelected government official” — you mean like an independent redistricting committee?!

  2. Says:

    There is a huge difference between using an independent panel so legislators do not gerrymander themselves districts and allowing unelected officials to mandate what may be a risky health procedure for the public. You guys love using those apples and oranges arguments. No one benefits from those kind of comparisons least of all the voter.

  3. Says:

    This is extremely worrying. Any idea what senate bill number this will become and how soon they may intend to hold the first vote?