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Barry Jantz

Paris Visits the LA County Hilton

Since Fleischman linked to a story on the main FR page in this regard, that gives me the ok to blog about Paris.

What is everyone in a tizzy about?  Twenty-three days of peace and quiet to catch up on my sleep and reading, and three regular meals a day?  What I would give to have that luxury! 

One Response to “Paris Visits the LA County Hilton”

  1. Says:

    So poor Paris has had a hard time in prison so they let her go after three days what a shock.I suppose you or I would get the same treatment right. This girl should be the poster child for what happens when society no longer deeems people personally responsible for their actions. If she never gets in trouble again then the libs can claim their way works better but I have a feeling her behavior will not change. So will they give those of us who believe in personal responsibility credit for being right.I don’t think so.By the way they are claiming a medical excuse for her being let out. This is almost laughable people in jail get free medical care and are cared for by trained staff and are very rarely let out for this reason. Sounds like special treatment for celebrities in LA LA Land to me.