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Barry Jantz

Anderson’s Iran Press Release

See Doug LaMalfa’s post immediately below.  Here’s the Anderson release:

California Assembly Passes Historic Iran Divestment Bill
Anderson’s legislation has strong bi-partisan support
Anderson: “Money is the Mother’s Milk of Terrorism.”

Sacramento, CA – Today, the California State Assembly overwhelmingly passed Assemblyman Joel Anderson’s (R-El Cajon) Assembly Bill 221 to divest California’s public retirement funds from key foreign businesses that invest in Iran.

“I am gratified by my colleagues’ strong bi-partisan support for this legislation, which will end California taxpayers’ investment in key foreign companies that invest in the Islamic Republic of Iran,” said Anderson.

Democrat Majority Whip Fiona Ma, a primary co-author of AB 221, said, “When CalPERS and CalSTRS invest State retirement funds in Iran, they put these investments at risk.”

“California’s taxpayers should not be investing in a country which funds terrorism,” said Anderson. “Money is the mother’s milk of terrorism.”

The California State Senate will be reviewing and voting on AB 221 later this summer. This historic legislation is the first of its kind in America, and has already prompted other states to follow California’s lead. Assemblyman Anderson’s legislation has garnered national and international media coverage. He’s been covered in nearly 200 articles in 13 countries for this historic legislation. Media outlets include Time Magazine, New York Times, Fox News, CNBC and CNN Headline News.


2 Responses to “Anderson’s Iran Press Release”

  1. Says:

    Way to go Joel! Its great to see that you were able to remind many of the Democrats, that partisanship ends at the shoreline.

  2. Says:

    Right on. So the libs had a hard time opposing economic boycott. Considering it is one of their mantras seems like they would of looked very hypocritical to oppose a tactic they love so dearly when they try to impose PC on the rest of us.Way to turn the tables on these guys Joel.