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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Delta Pumps Shutdown: Water Storage From Dams Save The Day For Cities And Farms

A judges decison this week to shut off the Delta pumps that 25 million Californians rely on has sent a shock wave through the water user community, [which is everyone in California]

This additional bit of judicial policy making, was ostensibly to save the all so handy species du jour, a fish called the Delta Smelt.  

Thankfully we Californians can draw from reservoirs, such as San Luis, that store water for when situations that affect available water supply, such as drought caused by weather or by activist judges.  50 years ago, leaders had a vision for providing for future needs with our State Water Project.  The elected legislatures reaction weeks ago when this possible judicial action first came public?

Why, it was to vote down a bill in Senate Water Committee that would build more of the reservoirs that store water that a million Californians, new to this state each 2 years, will need!  

Maybe we’ll luck out and have a ‘climate change’ that causes it to rain more in the summer.  What was it Albert Hammond said about it back in ’72?