Santee Councilman Brian Jones is taking a hard look at an anticipated open 52nd Congressional seat next year, and has filed committee paperwork with the FEC. Brian tells me "I am planning on making an announcement the first part of July…I am still making contacts and generating support."
As posted here several times, the media and blogs have been rife with stories about son Duncan D. Hunter taking a shot at dad’s seat. Several other lookers have been mentioned, but movement has been relatively slow.
Congressional Quarterly details Jones’ foray into the realm of the "big boys" today (see CQ article). Brian notes to me that his background in the story should be "ministry leadership" instead of "industry leadership," as he previously had six years experience on staff at Sonrise Community Church. (The CQ reporter subseqently corrected this in the online story. -Barry)
Brian is a great guy and has a bright future. Whether a local seat can effectively translate to the money politics of a Congressional race remains to be seen, as the poli-landscape is littered with those who have misinterpreted their base, or lack thereof.
Poll, Brian, poll! (I’m telling everyone that.)
The article also mentions Jay La Suer, Joel Anderson and Mark Larson as potentials, but doesn’t note that La Suer will not — and Larson is unlikely to — run if Duncan D. is in it (he clearly says he is).
One needs to read the FlashReport to know those tidbits, even a reporter.
Also, potential funding heavyweights Eric Roach and Ken King are not mentioned, both of whom may be in play.