I could not be more thrilled with the announcement yesterday from Governor Schwarzenegger’s office that he has appointed conservative Republican leader Jim Camp to a senior position, as the Deputy Director of Communications for the State Department of Fish and Game.
Jim’s GOP pedigree is long and storied, but I will say that my favorite item in his resume is that he served as Deputy Executive Director of the California GOP when I was the Party’s ED, and it was a pleasure to have worked side by side with him for conservative victories.
Jim has been highlighted lately for his musical talents, as an extremely talented singer and songwriter, and has just recently released an album that was recorded entirely on an Apple iPod! You can check out more on that at www.jimmcamp.com.
Congratulations, Jimmy, on your new “gig” and to the Governor I would express my sincere appreciation. I know Jim will do an d outstanding job for you and for the endangered salmon, trout and wild boar of California!