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Duane Dichiara

Today’s Commentary: Summer Reading List

Since summer is upon us, or at least the June through August school holiday that I still associate with summer, I thought that instead of a traditional Monday morning commentary I would offer a summer reading list. The books I’ve listed below, in no particular order, are those that I would think anyone who is interested in practical politics would be interested in rubbing their eyes against.

PLUNKITT OF TAMMANY HALL by Riordon. The classic American book on politics, it doesn’t get much straighter than Tammany District Leader Plunkitt’s ‘series of very plain talks on very practical politics’. While many aspects of what is considered savory, or legal, have changed, much has stayed the same, including Plunkitt’s observation’s that politics are based on personal loyalties, or that many businessman or good government reformers tend to fail because they fail to learn the business and practice of politics.

TRIBES ON THE HILL by Weatherford. ‘Tribes’ looks at the ‘rituals and realities’ of the United States Congress, often in comparison to various tribal governments. Most of the commentary applies to any level of government. In the least, any new elected official or political aide should read the chapters ‘Gathering a Clan’ and ‘Extending a Clan’.

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