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Carl Fogliani

McNerney: “Mission Accomplished!”

At one of his recent outreach events, Jerry McNerney (the same guy who changed his position on 55 issues on an issue questionnaire in the last campaign) threw in to support President Bush when he landed on the carrier with the sign that has been a rallying point for leftists against the war in Iraq that stated "Mission Accomplished."

McNerney boldly stated "The war in Iraq has been won" in a recent edition of the Escalon Times when talking with local constituents.

McNerney’s ability to put his foot in his mouth will continue to enhance Republican opportunities to regain this seat.  The other interesting factor that blowhards like Art Torres won’t say when they cheap shot Republican candidates who declare for this race is that McNerney is starting to run away from the leftists who threaten his only chance to hold a job for more than two years.  After his recent vote against the Magovern bill that infuriated his nutjob blogger base in Berkeley and now this, McNerney’s ability to hold his lunatic fringe while actually trying to reflect the views of a district grounded in reality continue to make him the dream opponent for any Republican nominee.

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