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Shawn Steel

Where does the CRP live ?

We know there are 1,432 voting Members of the Republican State Central Committee, a.k.a. the California Republican Party (CRP).

But since geography in our thousand mile long state can tell you quite a bit about people’s political interests and alliances, just where do those people live?

I broke it down by county and by the CRP’s oddly configured "regions", and the results are revealing. Only three counties have more than 100 Members. Another 17 counties have at least 20 Members. These "Top Twenty" counties have 1,103 of the 1,432 Members, or a whopping 77% of the total vote.

The three southern California coastal counties of Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego have 479 votes, or fully one-third of the total statewide vote, between them. Here are the "Top Twenty" in rank order:

1. Los Angeles 191 
2. Orange 161       
3. San Diego 127       
4. Sacramento 99     
5. Riverside 78
6. San Bernardino 69     
7. Kern 44            
8.(tie) San Joaquin 40  
8.(tie) Santa Clara 40  
10. Placer 37
11. Fresno 36               
12. Ventura 35      
13. Tulare 27             
14.(tie) Contra Costa 25
14.(tie) Alameda 25       
16. San Luis Obispo 23  
17.(tie) Santa Barbara 21  
17.(tie) Stanislaus 21
17.(tie) San Francisco 21  
20. San Mateo 20.

In a noble effort to "decentralize" the party’s structure, we supported by-law changes creating 8 Regional Vice Chairmanships. Each of the new regions were to be equivalent. Here is the breakdown of CRP Members by region in rank order. 

1. South  374    
2. Central Valley   309    
3. Los Angeles 191    
4. North 163   
5. Bay Area 141
6. Central Coast 113    
7.  Inland Empire 78     
8.  North West 63

Six North West Regions could fit with one South Region.

One Response to “Where does the CRP live ?”

  1. Says:

    This analysis seems to clearly justify keeping the CRP headquarters in Los Angeles