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Jon Fleischman

Western CPAC 2007 – Sign Up Now!

Where will YOU be on October 12th and 13th? 

I would like to cordially invite you to join me at the 2007 Western Conservative Political Action Conference being held right here in California!  This conference, a sister to the wildly successful CPAC conferences in Washington, D.C., will be an exciting opportunity for conservative leaders and activists from the Western United States to come together to hear from great speakers, engage in discussions on the important issues of the day, and organize so that conservatives can have the greatest amount of influence for the coming national, state and local elections!
President Reagan’s eldest son, Michael, a reknowned talk-show host and conservative leader in his own right, is the General Chairman for this event, and will be on hand playing a primary role in the event.  (You can read a special message from Michael Reagan here.)  In addition, David Keene, the Chairman of the American Conservative Union (the main sponsor of the main CPAC conferences, read his note here) will be flying out to join us.
Of course all of the major candidates for the GOP nomination for President of the United States (and some not-so-major ones) have been invited to speak, though it will be a little while before we’ll be able to confirm which of them is coming.  But we can look to the wild success of CPAC in Washington, D.C. a few months ago where over SIX THOUSAND conservatives came together and heard from a veritable "who’s who" of conservative icons.
I am very excited that the FlashReport is playing a major role with this conference — we’re an official co-sponsor along with Michael Reagan’s Reagan Legacy Foundation, the American Conservative Union, the United States Justice Foundation, CPAC, Young Americans for Freedom, and the Save Proposition 13 Committee.  Look for many more groups and organizations to join in as this conference grows to be one of the major events in the West for the 2008 elections!
The great news is that YOU can be a part of this very special event.  We’ve already established a special website for Western CPAC where you can learn more about the conference, pre-register, and sign up for special updates (this will be important as we’ll be continually updating those who sign up with the latest in speaker and panelist confirmations!).  Of course, look for plenty of updates on this event right here on the FlashReport!
Important:  Because this is the first Western CPAC in some time, it will NOT be as large a gathering as the one in D.C., so SPACE IS LIMITED.  I urge you to join with me in pre-registering early, and taking advantage of the outstanding discount rate at the beautiful Fairmont Hotel right near John Wayne Airport in the heart of Orange County.
I should add that if you are with a group or organization that would like to play a greater role in Western CPAC, drop me an e-mail directly so we can figure out what strategic partnership works best.
You can access the Western CPAC website right here.
In closing — I am VERY EXCITED about this conference, and hope that YOU WILL BE, TOO!
On behalf of Western CPAC General Chairman Michael Reagan, Chairman James Lacy, and my fellow Co-Chairs — Floyd Brown, David Keene and Gary Kreep, I hope that you will sign up today!!
Jon Fleischman
Pubisher, The FlashReport
P.S. All of you fellow bloggers out there will want to register for the conference, and then join me at the Western CPAC Bloggers Row!

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