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Congressman John Campbell

Mitt Romney: Advocating a Stronger America

[Publisher’s Note: Last night, all of the GOP candidates for President participated in a debate in South Carolina. Today the FR has a column from California Republican Party Vice Chairman Tom Del Becarro, who was in SC for the debate. We also have a column from former Secretary of State Bill Jones on behalf of the McCain candidacy, and one from Congresswoman Mary Bono on behalf of the Giuliani campaign. Below is Congressman John Campbell, FR’s Washington D.C. Correspondent, on behalf of his candidate, Mitt Romney – Flash]

At the debate in South Carolina last night, Governor Mitt Romney once again showed us all why he’s the candidate ready to lead our nation forward and meet the challenges ahead of us. Across the country there were over 900 debate watching parties held by Romney grassroots supporters in just about every state. They all saw exactly what I did, a candidate for President that clearly laid out his plan to keep America strong, cut taxes, and bring common sense solutions to the new generations of challenges facing our nation.

I’ve always admired Governor Romney’s vision for a stronger America- a stronger military, stronger economy and stronger families. He understands that we need to bring real change to Washington to ensure the future of our nation- Americans are sick and tired of the status quo in our nation’s capitol.

Governor Romney won on substance because he showed an incredible mastery of the issues and that he is ready to lead the nation. Governor Romney is the candidate that best represents the Republican Party’s ideals, and he is the candidate who the Democrats fear the most.

The country wants someone to bring conservative change to Washington and make it work again. Last night, Governor Romney called for benchmarks for Washington to reduce the size of government. We need to hold our government accountable for over spending, for increasing the size of government, and for not being fiscally responsible with the people’s money. Given all the tax increases Democrats are already proposing in their first five months in power, we will need an absolute tax fighter in the White House. Governor Romney is the candidate who has the commitment and the background to do that.

In addition, Americans are tired of the status quo in Washington and those who have been a part of that status quo. Last night, Governor Romney demonstrated why he is the best candidate with the right plan to bring new ideas, new energy and strong leadership on the issues that matter most to Americans. He hasn’t made a professional career of working "inside the Washington beltway." Instead, he can bring real world experience and success to Washington.

The South Carolina debate gave the "Big 3" candidates an opportunity to be more candid than ever on the issues that matter most to conservatives. By the end of the night, it was clear that Mitt Romney is the only military, fiscal, and social conservative in the race. The Governor spoke directly about the need to bring conservative change to Washington and I was proud to be a part of his campaign after watching his performance in this debate.

One Response to “Mitt Romney: Advocating a Stronger America”

  1. Says:

    You and Hugh Hewitt seem to see eye to eye on Romney. That you would support a candidate that is politically correct on the Second Amendment tells me you too are more interested in supporting one you perceive would win vs. one whos principles you share. If he looses the support of the NRA as he surely will he will be toast.