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Carl Fogliani

Dean Andal is in Against McNerney

Former Assemblyman, BOE Member and current Lincoln Unified School Board Trustee Dean Andal has filed a statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission and will announce his campaign today to replace Jerry McNerney.  Andal is a solid conservative who will run on "citizen Reagan principles" to return this seat to it’s rightful place.

Andal will have strong advantages in this race, particularly geography with what will more than likely be a strongly unified front out of San Joaquin County.  Andal will no doubt have the strong local GOP big donors in Stockton behind him and is known for having been an instrumental player in pushing voter registration and expanding the Republican bench in winning local offices.

Meanwhile, McNerney is doing everything he can to promote himself around the district to save the only real job he’s had in a long time.  Unfortunately for him, he must speak at these events and readers should stay tuned for some very interesting perspectives bandied about by him on the stump.