The Governor’s proposed budget spends too much. First and foremost is the ongoing deficit spending where expenditures under the proposal outpace projected income. But even if the budget where balanced, it is still bloated. Our "fitness Governor" needs to turn the flabby government into something more firm.
In some respects I feel back for the Governor — as news headlines today show him taking flack from the left and the right on this budget. Of course, we’re all wishing Arnold 1.0 would return — because our state despirately needs structural reform, and significant downsizing in its size and scope.
Need some talking points on what is going on with Congressman John Doolittle and the feds? His people are distributing some for you. There is an article by David Drucker in Roll Call today on Doolitte’s challenges (and potential challengers) — which we’ve posted on the blog page. We also attached your talking points!
Speaking of downsizing… At the risk of inflating his ego, I actually thought that one of Assembly Speaker spokesman Steve Maviglio’s "come backs" to GOP complaints about Nunez putting Todd Spitzer into the smallest Capitol office was pretty funny — "I thought that Republicans were in favor of downsizing?" – LOL.
Of course, there’s nothing funny about the decision by Speaker Nunez to relegate 3rd term "senior" Todd Spitzer to the tiniest office in the Capitol. It is pure payback for Spitzer’s strong advocacy for crime victims, and challenging the Democrat majority for being soft on criminals.
Tonight is the second debate amongst the GOP candidates for the Presidency. Once again, we’ll be treated to too many candidates all trying to make an impression in their four minutes in the spotlight. We’ll see how it goes. Look for extensive coverage tomorrow on the FlashReport as once again we’ve asked several prominent Californian’s to weigh in on behalf of their candidates of choice.