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BREAKING NEWS: Mark Kirk OUT of 1st District Supe Race

H/T to Chino Hills Councilman Curt Hagman for this information which he just posed over at Red County /San Bernardino

Mark Kirk is a friend, strong Chief of Staff  and an intricate part of the unity and historical success of the San Bernardino County GOP and its candidates.  With Kirk joining team Mitzelfelt there is no doubt that Brad’s chances of election are much more secure due to Kirk’s extensive campaign resources and experience.  This is great news for anyone involved in San Bernardino County politics.

From Councilman Curt Hagman:

I have received an Email from Mark Kirk, Chief of Staff for 4th District County Supervisor Gary Ovitt that I have been given permission to share.

For those who have been watching the 1st District supervisorial race developing, Mark Kirk announced that he was running and would have made a strong competitor. He has been very good for those of us in the 4th district while serving as chief of staff. He has been responsive and creative on helping us solve some of the West End’s policy problems and we feel like the County is a true partner with us in our success. Supervisor Gary Ovitt and Mark Kirk make a great team. 

On a personal note, I am glad that Mark and Brad have worked this out.  They are both great assets to San Bernardino County and both are very good on policy and share an interest in the wellbeing of the 1st District as well as the entire County. As a united team, San Bernardino will continue to be a leader in job and economic growth for California. I salute Mark for putting the good of the District above any ego of his own. I feel privileged to have a Board of Supervisors and Staff who work well together on a daily basis for the common good of its residents. 

Here are Mark’s comments:

After a long conversation today with Brad Mitzelfelt, I’ve decided not to run against him for County Supervisor and to endorse his candidacy.  This decision, one of the toughest I’ve had to make, is a result of a lot of prayer, advice and in no small part to outside events.

If you didn’t already know, up until recently the Board of Supervisor’s didn’t play very well together.  However now, under the leadership of Paul Biane, all 5 members are dialoguing more about the needs of the County, and making a noticeable effort to work together to meet those needs.  Anyone who attended this year’s State of the County saw a video demonstrating the unity the Board is seeking.  That video is now posted on the County’s website.

Combine that with the need for true cooperative leadership in the Victor Valley and you have my two biggest reasons not to run.  Right now I have a seat at the table with people interested in working together.  I’m committed to furthering that unity on the Board of Supervisors.

I’m concerned about my community.  The Victor Valley was a great place to grow up, and I want to keep it that way.  As my wife and I discuss having children of our own, I can’t help but ask myself if I’m doing everything I can do to ensure this will be a great place for them.

So right now I believe my part is working together with other leaders to solve our problems.  Gangs, healthcare, education and transportation are a few of those problems our community now faces which no single individual can solve.

The challenge goes out to Supervisor Mitzelfelt.  He should meet this action of unity with one of his own.  I asked him to reach out to those in our community who don’t feel connected.  To those who are part of the solution, but alienated from the process.  To those, who like me, only want what’s best for this desert.

My hope is that when all is said and done this election wasn’t just about politics.  That those who hear and read this announcement will ask themselves how they can help in bringing people together for this County.

Mark Kirk