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Carl Fogliani

Today’s Commentary: Pombo Won’t Run in CD 11-Charts New Course

Former Congressman Richard Pombo announced he will not seek election again in the 11th congressional district.  Pombo is now a senior partner with public affairs firm PacWest and will serve as honorary Chairman for Partnership for America, which will allow him to continue his fight for conservative environmental  and energy solutions with the same type of organization (a 501C4) that was used by his political enemies to defeat him last election.

Pombo’s announcement clears the way for CD 11 contenders Dean Andal and Guy Houston to get the ball rolling on their campaigns to take on first term Congressman McNerney.

Watching Richard Pombo and his dedication to conservative values up close is something I will always consider a special moment in my own political career.  Here’s wishing him all the best in these new endeavors.  He has been a courageous leader who did great things for the Central Valley and had the courage of his convictions to stand for what was right when many would have taken the path of least resistance.  In his new role, it is obvious that he will still remain the premier voice in America for sensible environmental and energy policies.

4 Responses to “Today’s Commentary: Pombo Won’t Run in CD 11-Charts New Course”

  1. Says:

    Courageous? I remember him refusing to endorse a fellow conservative — Dick Monteith — when the Condit seat opened up — the best time to win that seat. Hardly courageous.

  2. Says:

    Bummer for us Democrats. Would have loved the rematch. Now the Reeps are left with not ready for prime time players.

  3. Says:

    Oh, you’ll get a rematch. Trust me, that race was less about Mcwhoever than about Pombo. Don’t confuse electoral success with a damaged incumbent.

  4. Says:

    That’s for sure. I talked to McNerney at length over the summer after the primary. If ever there was a not ready for prime time candidate…The Dems only hope of holding that seat is to run a real primary against their incumbent, but I don’t expect the arrogance of the party would allow such a cerebral assessment of their blatant achilles heel.