Roy Tyler is the Communications Director for the Duncan Hunter for President campaign…
On MSNBC last night, California Rep. Duncan Hunter was center stage with nine other candidates for a debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.
Hunter illustrated tonight that he indeed has inherited the mantle of Ronald Reagan. Moderator Chris Matthews said everybody knew where Ronald Reagan stood. Everybody knew where Hunter stood tonight. He was the paradigm of assertiveness. While McCain and Giuliani equivocated on the issue of abortion, Hunter was firm about pro-life beliefs. While Romney was uncertain how to respond to the question of Iran Hunter was certain about what to do. Romney wavered about federal funding for stem cell research Hunter was absolute. Unlike McCain, Hunter does not pander about his faith and try to walk a fine line. He was definitive about his belief as to what was the correct course in the Schiavo case.
It was clear an opening widened in the top three frontrunners, and Duncan Hunter edged closer to filling the gap with his no-nonsense unapologetic and unwavering conservatism that many Republican voters are looking for.
With due respect to the other candidates, Mr. Hunter was the only candidate is clearly focused on the three most pressing issues that America faces: Securing our borders, the war on terror and protecting American workers from unfair competition.
Since first being elected to Congress in 1980, Hunter has worked on these issues not because they make headlines, but because they are the right things to do for our country.