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Mike Spence

Homosexaul Hate Speech Targets Pro-Family Group. Who will Arnold Side With?

The Homosexual lobby loves the word “tolerance”. They use it in many ways to gain special rights for homosexuals. What they don’t like is practicing “tolerance”.
SB 777 sponsored by Sheila Kuehl includes language that would add state censorship rules to screen out anything negative about homosexuality in textbooks, curricula etc. at all public and private schools and universities. (Like universities are really targeting homosexuality). It could go so far as to eliminate distinctions like Prom King and Queen and could require various restrooms for students “perceived” gender. The Governor vetoed a less expansive version of this bill last year.
Two days ago on Fox Karen England of the Capitol Resource Institute (CRI) debated the issue with a proponent of the bill. (See it here). The proponent refused to declare that the bill would not do the things Karen England described it would.
After the debate the Capitol Resource Institute started getting the hate mail. I’ve seen some. One called Karen England names that debased her based on gender. (So much for gender equality.) 

The capper came from a board member of the homosexual advocacy group Equality California. EQ Board Member, Ben Patrick Johnson, after affirming that everyone has the right to free speech, declared” I advise you — if you continue your efforts, we will BURY you…” In a weblog he shows a kid getting beat up and claims CRI and others want that to happen. Ironically, he also calls CRI “hate peddlers”. On the  much lighter side, his weblog also asks if you want to see male models get their body painted.

The Governor has not said where he is on this bill. I guess we are in a time when evil is called good and intolerance is called tolerance. Hopefully, the Governor will be able to tell the difference.