Today’s Guest Commentary is penned by Hector Barajas is Communications Director for the California Republican Party…As the California State Democrat Party concluded its annual convention, it is clear that the parade of speeches that filled the convention halls of San Diego offered no more than obscure and recycled promises that Californians have grown tired of hearing.
“Commander in Chief” candidates continue their finger pointing and apology tour. As with the South Carolina debate, seven of the eight presidential candidates that attended the San Diego convention spent their time pointing fingers, apologizing, and trying to find out who would be the first to abandon the people of Iraq.
Absent in both the debate and convention was a discussion or plan detailing how they would deal with the current global war on terror.
After three days of speeches, Californians were no more reassured that if elected president, each one of these candidates possesses the leadership qualities to deal with a terrorist threat, whether on American soil or one directed at one of our allies- finger pointing, apologies, and retreat are characteristics neither presidential nor befitting a strong “Commander in Chief”.
Global warming hypocrisy. It was ironic that as each candidates made sure to toe the line on climate change during the South Carolina debate, “no one jet pooled, not one took commercial flights to save money, fuel or emissions.”
I would bet that as these candidates jet set out to California, they were each reviewing and revising their speeches, ensuring that global warming credentials were squarely front and center. I also wonder how many of these candidates ludicrously bought carbon credits, while leaving an enormous carbon “footprint” across America’s skies.
A healthcare idea, but still no plan. All candidates seemed unified in the belief that everyone should have access to healthcare and some even pronounced their support for universal healthcare. Senator Obama, not to be outdone by the previous speakers, even promised that if elected president, he would sign legislation for universal healthcare within his first year in office.
In the battle for position on healthcare, not a single candidate seemed to have a plan or even an outline stating who was going to be covered, how they plan to pay for it, what it would include or exclude, nor what other programs might be cut to help subsidize their idea. Surprise, surprise.
The “YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME” category. The most ridiculous statement, made this weekend came from Speaker Nancy Pelosi. In her Saturday, April 28, 2007 speech to the general membership at the Democrat convention, at approximately 2:04 PM PDT (I was taking notes), Speaker Pelosi ruminated on her travels abroad and recent foray to the Middle East.
In a region where poverty is rampant, where medical treatment is scarce, where women are regularly denied basic rights, and where suicide bombers are a daily threat, Speaker Pelosi remarked that the children of the Middle East region told her that one of their most pressing issues was global warming- that they wanted to see an end to global warming.
The remarks by Speaker Pelosi were either a testament to the gravity of the global warming issue or the Speaker botched yet another message during her trip.
A convention of blaming others. In summary, the Democrat strategy of blaming others and offering ideas without clearly defined plans that include costs, an action list, and details, seems to be the modus operandi that continues to define the Democrat Party and their standard bearers. Come Election Day they will realize that Californians expect more than just empty rhetoric.
Hector M. Barajas has served as the Spanish media spokesperson and Deputy Political Director for the California Republican Party. As a former student leader, regional banking officer for Bank of America, field director, volunteer coordinator, and spokesperson for numerous campaigns, Hector has managed to merge his experience in the private sector, with this current job.
Mr. Barajas has appeared on the BCC, Univision, Telemundo, NBC, ABC, CBS, and his commentaries have been published in the North County Times, Pasadena Star News, Santa Clarita Signal, Hispanic Vista, El Salvador, Teleguia, La Prensa, and other publications.
A California native, Mr. Barajas was born in East Los Angeles and raised in Echo Park. He is a graduate from California State University, Los Angeles.
You can reach Hector, via the FR, here.
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