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James V. Lacy

Breaking news – Minuteman may be headed to receivership regardless of attempt by Gilchrist to dismiss his own case!!!!

Breaking news, we just confirmed that Judge Randell Wilkinson, Department C-19, Orange County Superior Court, will hold the scheduled hearing on Minuteman receivership tomorrow at 1:30 pm regardless of Gilchrist’s Notice of Dismissal of his own case!!!  The Court may be inclined to DENY what is usually a routine request for dismissal and nevertheless order Minuteman into receivership anyway!  Hold on!

One Response to “Breaking news – Minuteman may be headed to receivership regardless of attempt by Gilchrist to dismiss his own case!!!!”

  1. Says:

    Now it appears that Gilchrist has filed a second needed paper and that the case he brought, with ruinous results, is truly to be dismissed, with the hearing scheduled for 4/25 now “off calednar” according to the coulrt clerk.

    What a waste of time, Jim Gilchrist!