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Jon Fleischman

R.I.P. Congresswoman Millander-McDonald

California Congresswoman Juanita Millander-McDonald has passed away today, according to a report from the Associated Press.  As we reported last week, McDonald had taken a leave of absence from the House and was battling cancer.  Our prayers go out to her family and friends over this horrible loss.

At some point when it is appropriate, the Governor will have to call for a special election to fill out the remainder of her term.  That will all be about Democrats, no GOPers need apply in that district.

One Response to “R.I.P. Congresswoman Millander-McDonald”

  1. Says:

    Prayers are with the McDonald family in this time of remberance and celebration of Juanita’s life.

    Lets fight for the cure of cancer, which has taken Juanita’s life along with so many others that we know in our hearts.