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Jon Fleischman

Senate Republicans Oppose King Nunez’ “Insider” Redistricting Plan

I just got off of the phone with State Senate Republican Leader, who had this to say about Speaker Fabian Nunez’ proposal to have the Little Hoover Commission public members in charge of drawing new legislative boundaries:

"This plan is a non-starter with my Caucus.  We need an independent commission in charge of redistricting, not a group of political appointees."

7 Responses to “Senate Republicans Oppose King Nunez’ “Insider” Redistricting Plan”

  1. Says:

    Imagine that. Proposing a commission that actually knows something about the legislature, government, and redistricting — as opposed to a random selection of citizens or judges appointed by the Governor.

    Furthermore, take a look at the terms of those people you mentioned and you’ll realize most of them will be gone by the time redistricting maps will be drawn.

    The Hoover Commission is independent and well respected. That’s why most of the reform groups have words of praise for the Speaker’s proposal.

    It’s clear that Mr. Ackerman and Mr. Villines don’t want redistricting reform. They want a Tom DeLay style plan that gives them political advantage.

  2. Says:

    Come on Steve, why doesn’t your boss just propose a plan that says: There will be a Commission drawing districts — made up of appointees of the Governor and Legislative Democrats.

    That’s all this is. The fact that this used to be called the Little Hoover Commission will become the past as it becomes the Redistricting Commission.

  3. Says:

    Little Hoover commission members serve “at the pleasure” of the Speaker and Senate leader.

    Independent? I don’t think so.

  4. Says:

    Doug: It would be helpful if you knew the facts. The legislators on Little Hoover serve at the pleasure. They are EXCLUDED from redistricting. The other appointees serve TERM appointments, not pleasure appointments (Sec. 8501-8508 of the government code).

    John: What’s your idea of an “independent” commission since you support the Governor’s plan of retired judges who were appointed by the Governor? Random selection of citizens? Gimme a break.

  5. Says:

    “DeLay style plan”…page 39, tab 4..independent men over 50…whatever….verbatims must have said….insert the word DeLay in all of yoru prounouncments to polarize the audience. When did wedge issues become reform?

  6. Says:

    For those who really support reform, I am still trying to figure out how they expect to find a nonpartisan commission that doesn’t wind up being biased, but still has the knowledge to deal with what in reality is a very complex subject because of all of the different court rulings and regulations about how lines are to be drawn.

  7. Says:

    Our organization, California Association of Political Centrists, has identified redistricting as a key element to get better representation for Californians in Sacramento. I’d be interested in hearing more from Steven Maviglio. Please e-mail me at