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Jon Fleischman

Giuliani Releases New CA Endorsements…

I’m on Blackberry, but just got the heads up from the Giuliani campaign on new endorsements from CA…

From their release:

New York City –The Giuliani Campaign announced today that Mayor Rudy Giuliani bolstered his California team by picking up more key endorsements throughout the state.

Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian, Assemblyman Cameron Smyth, and Assemblywoman Sharon Runner today signaled their support for Rudy Giuliani for President.  Los Angeles County Supervisors Michael Antonovich and Don Knabe also announced their endorsement for Mayor Giuliani.

Mayor Giuliani has garnered significant support among key Republican leaders at all levels of government, including county, state, and federal representatives.  Recently, U.S. Congressmen Ed Royce and George Radanovich joined Rep. David Dreier, Rep. Mary Bono, Rep. Devin Nunes, and Rep. Jerry Lewis as part of Team Rudy.