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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Schwarzenegger is what?

"’Schwarzenegger is what conservatives think the future is,’ says Gerald Dorfman, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University and an expert on British and European politics." 


Are these think tank guys mental?  Let’s put aside social issues.  We knew what we were getting there.  How is running a structural deficit in any way related to what conservatives think our future is.  I respected the Governor until November, 2005.  Now, I don’t at all, politically.  You cannot reward his spending all of our record revenue increases, continued borrowing, and stumping for necessary but unnaffordable bond measures as "business savvy".  It isn’t.  And we will be paying dearly for all of this inside of 18 months.  Take it to the bank.

The Governor could have won re-election easily and balanced the budget at the same time and made a conscious decision not to.  That is not conservatism, nor is it its future.  It’s the same failed policy that led to our ouster in Washington last November.