California’s education system is struggling – despite billions of dollars and a never ending parade of Legislative quick-fixes, California students continue to fall behind the national averages in almost every academic area.
One of the problems with California’s education system is the missmash of special funding (categorical programs) and the gross inequity created by a convoluted state formula for distribution of education dollars.
Some schools accomplish a lot despite the inefficient system, but California’s largest school district (the Los Angeles Unified School District) is not one of them. Recently, LAUSD approved a teacher’s contract that creates a $213 million annual shortfall – and they readily admit they have no idea how to pay for it. This is more than just irresponsible budgeting – it should be criminal.
Coincidentally, LA Assemblyman Kevin de Leon recently introduced legislation (AB 179) that would reallocate education funding. AB 179 does nothing to fix the fundamentally unfair allocation formula – de Leon just re-jiggers the formula to take dollars away from schools in Sacramento and Orange County in order to pour more money into LAUSD – perhaps to back-fill the deficit created by this foolish contract.
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has made taking over LAUSD a center-piece of his Administration, so this conflict will be an early test of his leadership — and if he ducks here, it will show he can’t tackle the tough issues.
Granted, AB 179 creates problems for him – as the Mayor who wants to run LA’s schools, it’s hard to see how he can oppose bringing more dollars to LA schools. But since he’s mulling over a shot at higher office, he then runs the risk of alienating voters everywhere else in California.
One way or the other, Villaraigosa has to stake out a position on AB 179 – which may prove to be an early test of whether he’s just a flavor of the month; or a more substantive leader who has what it takes to compete on the big stage.