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LA to Anaheim in 20 Minutes

If only it were a reality…you could get on a train high-speed train in Los Angeles and be at Disneyland in less than 30 minutes.

Well the California High-Speed Rail Authority is working on such things and apparently todos beneficiamos (they sent a brochure about some upcoming scoping sessions that are printed in English and Spanish).

If you want to weigh in on the project there are several public meetings in April in LA, Anaheim and Norwalk.

Apparently the the SoCal route could also extend down to Irvine.

If the thing operates over existing rail right-of-ways and doesn’t eliminate any current roads I am all for it assuming I don’t have to pay for it.  I probably won’t ever take it but according to their studies they project 100 million passengers a year by 2030.

How will it be financed?  Who pays for it?  The slick brochure doesn’t say but former Speaker/Anaheim Mayor Curt Pringle serves on the Authority Board so we can be be sure even if not todos beneficiamos, we won’t get screwed.

One Response to “LA to Anaheim in 20 Minutes”

  1. Says:

    Jack Bauer can get across LA County from anywhere in 10 minutes so I don’t see what the big deal is.