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James V. Lacy

Mike Reagan starting new Federal PAC; Foundation

Radio talk show host and Presidential son Mike Reagan has jumped into the 2008 elections with both feet, having started a new federal political action committee named “The Legacy Committee PAC.” The PAC is in the mail right now with its initial fundraising letters, be on the lookout! Assisting Mike in his efforts is partner and talk radio executive Tim Kelly from The Reagan Group, political consultant Floyd Brown (known for funding those “Willie Horton” TV ads in the 1988 Presidential election), Response Dynamics, and yours truly as Treasurer and counsel. Legacy PAC is hammering away in its direct mail on conservative issues, and hopes to play a role in both the Presidential race and key Congressional districts in California and the U.S.

Mike has also started a separate organization, The Reagan Legacy Foundation. The Foundation is dedicated to chartiable activities and will work to support education about the Reagan presidency, and help charities related to that legacy, such as alzheimer’s research. The Foundation expects to help support the Reagan Golf Classic with other charities in San Diego later this year.