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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

“The American People See The Reality of War. The President Does Not.”

With those words yesterday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi established herself as probably the dumbest House Speaker in history. The American people have a greater sense of the war effort than the President? Really? So a steady diet of negativity from the Eastern Print Media, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN and CNN Headline News is what qualifies the American people to have a better sense of the war effort than the President? Okay, now I get it.! 

Make no mistake – the average American, myself included, hasn’t a clue as to what is taking place in Iraq because they get almost 100% of their information from a media complex that reports over 80% negatively on matters pertaining to the war against terrorists. Fox News being the only real exception. The House vote yesterday was nothing but symbolism and a signal to the leftist base of the Democrat party that the Party is anti -war. They had to lard the bill with pork in every direction to buy votes on the resolution (Steny Hoyer, Majority Leader, said the pork was necessary because the President hadn’t spent enough money in the last six years, incredible!) in order to get it passed. 

Congressman Jim Costa (D), Fresno cast a disappointing yes vote on the bill as did Dennis Cardoza, proving once again that the Democrat "Blue Dog" coalition really ought to be called the "Straw Dog" coalition. Costa bills himself as a "moderate" but I don’t believe a true moderate would have cast a vote like this. I’ve railed against the President many times in this space on issues such as federal spending, immigration and entitlement programs. But he IS the one in Washington that seems to understand the Islamic threat, and thank goodness for that. With Nancy Pelosi and John Murtha trying to now micromanage war strategy from the House Chamber, the President needs to keep his veto pen available at all times.