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Tab Berg

Startling study: California Schools are in trouble.

On February 15th the Governor received a detailed assessment on California’s education system from Stanford’s Institute for Research on Education Policy & Practice.
Hardly anyone reading the FlashReport will be surprised to learn that California’s schools are struggling. But some of the conclusions will surprise you.
For example, the report concluded that California couldn’t spend its way out of the growing educational crisis – that better, more sensible management is more critical than additional dollars.   
Even school officials don’t think spending more money is the answer – in fact their top concern was not getting more money or a new program, it was the ability to fire bad teachers. Not a wholesale sweep, but just those who either can’t or simply don’t want to teach children anymore.
“Tenure reform” is a hot-button issue for the teachers union – but instead of muscling up against it, they should embrace it and push for higher standards for teachers.  In the long run, it’s better for them to help stop the deterioration of the system rather than face massive reforms if something isn’t done to improve schools now.
Some of what came out of the report is predictable – and there was something in it for almost everyone to hate. 
But everyone from conservatives to liberals can embrace many of the conclusions – only the narrowest of special interests would oppose most of the top conclusions:

  1. There is too much state control – hundreds of categorical programs and state spending directives create a cumbersome system that doesn’t allow schools to tackle individual needs.
  2. Teacher policy doesn’t work– let principals manage their schools—including firing bad teachers.
  3. Dollar distribution is irrational – a bizarre formula that sends far more money to San Francisco schools that San Diego schools is unfair and indefensible.
  4. Policy makers, school administrators and parents need more information when making decisions.

Republicans should stop allowing Democrats to maintain a monopoly on the education debate and lead the fight for these reforms – many of which we have been pushing for years.  Here’s an opportunity to lead – who’s going to step forward?
You can learn more about the report here.