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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Autry Continues to Confound Fresnans

We have our own John McCain here in Fresno and his name is Alan Autry.  Mayor Alan Autry.  I’ve never seen a local politico leave so many heads scratching in my life.  One minute he’s the MC at the Right to Life Dinner, the next minutes he’s supporting a Democrat for Sheriff against the recommendations of all the other elected officials.  Now he comes out against enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws.  Huh?

I used to be in pretty constant communication with the Mayor.  He’s spent most of his second term nowhere near City Hall – letting staff handle most of the day to day duties.  He’s a torn man – family life keeps him from really being able to seek higher office – but inconsistent messaging does too.  Is he a liberal?  A conservative?  No one seems to know.  We know he is a Republican by registration, but he doesn’t really use the affiliation for anything.  One wonders why he continues to fly the GOP flag.

His real name is Carlos Brown, and I think his westside ag roots cause him to sympathize with the plight of the illegal alien.  But Carlos is like the rest of the political class – they haven’t a solution anywhere in their brains for the illegal immigration mess.  Just position statements.  Meanwhile, five years after 911, no one anywhere has devised a workable solution for getting at the immigration system and fixing it.  

So, scratch your head with me.  The Republican Mayor of Fresno, Carlos Brown aka Alan Autry, is against enforcing the nation’s immigration laws.  Beam me up, Scotty.