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Mike Spence

Governor Stays The Course: Appoints Democrats to LA Courts

The Governor has become famous for flip-flopping and folding in the face of criticism from liberals and the media. I say it ain’t so! The Governor is consistent on at least in one area. He has consistently appointed Democrats to the bench in LA County. See FR post here.
In the past the Governor appointed 2 Democrats for every Republican. Closer to the election it changed it a little and it included a Democrat re-registering shortly before the appointment from Dem to DTS in order to confuse the numbers. See FR post here.
Today the Governor stayed true. Today he appointed three to the LA Superior Court, 2 Dems and 1 GOP. See press release here. The worse news is he is now replacing a seat with a GOP judge held.Richard Van Dusen, a former Republican Club President  passed away and was replaced with a Democrat.

All last year, some Arnold staffers asked for GOP names that wanted to be judges in LA. I guess they were making their blacklist.

It should give Republican great joy that we do have a Governor that stands for something.