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Solorio/DeVore Team Up for Teaching English

Assemblymen Jose Solorio and Chuck DeVore have teamed up on a piece of legislation that helps school districts teach students English.

Solorio (D – Santa Ana) is the author and DeVore (R – Irvine) is a co-author of AB 1177.  I remember when kids who spoke another language in the home took ESL classes (English as a Second Language).  Now the varnacular is English Learners (EL).  Regardless of the label, Solorio’s legislation would provide state funds for school districts that have more than 50% EL students to go above and beyond to make sure they learn English before they graduate 8th grade.

I like the legislation for several reasons beyond the fact that it aims to teach English to kids.  1) it is a pilot program, 2) it includes a provision for independent review and 3) it sunsets in 2015.