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Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Governor Schwarzenegger, Tear Down This Sham

When I started writing this post yesterday, there was still a bit of "hope" the Guv would use his leverage of his signature [or not] on the Presidential Primary bill, SB 113, to get redistricting reform, the promise which has been reneged on.  This by the Democrats at the state level, as well as the threats by Speaker Pelosi at the Federal level of no reform of Congressional district line apportionment methods.  Since the ‘contract’ has been broken, the Guv should feel no obligation to sign this now until this is done right.

Instead this morning, the official news is that it will be signed at 10:30 here in town.  

What a disappointment.  

We will be stuck as taxpayers with the $90 million bill.

We have a 3rd election for voters to wade through in 2008 with lousy turnout expected for June.

We have no real assurance of paying back counties.

We have already presidential candidates all over this state since it’s truly an open, "non-incumbent" election for the first time in many years.

The leverage will be gone to extract a true redistricting reform for the term limit question that will be up in February but we’ll still be stuck with the election bill and 3 trips to the polls.

But hey, the early primary is ‘reform’ too. 
