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Barry Jantz

The Best Representatives?

Jon nails it in his commentary today.

When I see that someone has been married three times and has a chilly relationship with the kids, I have to ask if too much time caught up in a self-indulgent, ego-gratifying political life — and not enough time at home — caused any of the rifts with the family.

If one doesn’t care about ever patching up those rifts with the kids, it follows that one would spend two years of a life pursuing something that would make them too busy to do so anyway.

On the other hand, if there are too many guilty regrets and personal demons from a life soured by the choices which led to a poor relationship with one’s children, it can certainly be made up in other ways.  Perhaps by pursuing something such as an even larger crown to place on top of the self-indulgent, ego-gratifying political life.

Folks like that I’m sure will likely be very dedicated, married to their political job.  The best representatives, however, may be those dedicated to the job, while also finding the time to know the love and grace of a real family.

3 Responses to “The Best Representatives?”

  1. Says:


    I’ve been going to the wrong parties. 30 years in politics,
    and I’m still looking for the first ego-gratification. :(

  2. Says:


    Point well taken!

  3. Says:

    Once again Brother Barry amazes us with his insight and wisdom!