* On Monday, we will be featuring columns advocating the leading candidates for President penned by some of their prominent California supporters. The candidate campaigns to whom we reached out for columns were that of John McCain, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and our own Californian in the race, Duncan Hunter. I am pleased that all four campaign chose to participate, and so you can look forward to that treat on Monday! Also, John McCain and Mitt Romney will be in California next week and I will be attending events for both – so we’ll be bringing you that scoop as well!
* In Sacramento County, longtime Republican Party Chairman Donna Schalansky abruptly resigned after being convincingly re-elected to another two-year term earlier this month. Donna has been a longtime friend, and we wish her well in her future endeavors. According to insiders involved with the County GOP, First Vice Chairman Craig MacGlashan is heavily favored to be elected to replace her at a meeting on April the 12th. MacGlashan is the husband of Sacramento County Supervisor Roberta MacGlashan.
* We continue to toodle around with our newest feature – being able to feature You Tube videos on our main page. So today, for the first time, our "Golden Pen" is actually more like a Golden Video — awarded to Congressman Duncan Hunter for an excerpt of his speech at this year’s Conservative Political Action Committee.
* Arnold Schwarzenegger, over the weekend, must contemplate what he is going to do about the bill that Democrats have placed on his desk to move the date of the California primary. You see, Democrats have decided that they want to have their cake, and eat it, too. The Assembly split on a party line vote, with not one Republican voting for the bill. And, of course, the Governor has an opportunity to weigh in to express solidarity to his party, and veto the bill. In doing so, he can insist that he will sign another bill, as long as it comes to his desk with a redistricting reform measure that will appear on that Presidential primary ballot in February — and that language be in the bill to reimburse counties for the cost of administering another election. We’ll see what he does. This particular version of Arnold Schwarzenegger seems to enjoy the "bipartisan, party of one" approach to siding with the Democrats, and ignoring the concerns of his fellow GOPers in the Capitol. But we hold out hope….
* Don’t miss the article today in the San Diego Union Tribune penned by ace political reporter (and FR friend) John Marelius, looking at the question of WHO should vote in the Republican Presidential Primary here in California. I weigh in on the issue, as does former State GOP Chairman Duf Sundheim. It’s the top story on the main page.