In another suspense filled vote, SB 113-Calderon, passes off our floor tonight on a straight party line vote, 46-29, Dems aye, Reeps no. This of course was the bill that moves up the Presidential primary in California to February, 2008…and becomes the vehicle for the term limit extension initiative to be "in time" for those who would be termed out in 2008. The cost to California counties and, ultimately taxpayers, could range as high as $88 million according to county representatives I spoke with. All for a shot at term limit extensions that have virtually no chance with fed-up voters. This without the promised redistricting reform as even a measure of balance. The Governor has indicated early on he would sign this if there was a bi-partisan effort at redistricting reform. There has not been a good faith effort at that by the majority Dems. The bill will soon be on his desk, he has 30 days to sign or veto it. I hope he uses his leverage to extract true reforms in redistricting now that, if he chooses to sign it, we will get stuck with this multi-million dollar bill.

March 7th, 2007 at 12:00 am
With all due respect, Assemblymember LaMalfa, maybe you could use a little more time in the Assembly to learn about legislation :)
The Governor will have 12 days whether to affix his signature, not 30, as you indicate here.
In addition, the redistricting legislation is indeed moving forward; the Speaker introduced the cornerstones of the bill a few weeks ago with the support of the League of Women Voters, Voices of Reform, and Common Cause — as well as supportive comments from Republican leaders. The language is being developed at Legislative Counsel and will be available shortly.