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Go Off-Track Betting with Tom Harman

In a bold move, State Senator Tom Harman has submitted legislation that would, "expand the distribution schedule described above for the additional 5% of amount wagered on satellite races received to each racing association by deleting the reference to harness racing association."

Don’t understand what the bill does?  That’s OK, you are not alone…but apparently its urgently needed because Harman is hoping it gets the required 2/3 vote to take affect immediately.

This bill is a classic example of over regulation by state government.  It may be the role of government to make sure the time clock is accurate at the track or that minors are not betting and drinking there.  But it certainly is not the role of government to decide how the north and south zone racing associations divide their respective winnings.

And why is it important that government legislate: "…not less than eight races on the days when the association of fair is licensed to conduct racing, expect that fewer than eight live races per day may be conducted by mutual agreement of the association of fair and the organization that is responsible for negotiating purse agreements on behalf of the horsemen participating in the racing meeting."

Harman’s bill should have deleted all this language and taken government out the business of regulated such things.

Click here for the full text of the proposed legislation.