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Mike Spence


Stealing a thought from Joe Justin. I thought I’d title this post after a song by the BusBoys. Who reading this remembers the BusBoys?

I was blessed to see them live at the one of the Inauguration balls of George Bush- the first. (I’m not making this up) Horrible weather-great set.

Anyways, if you are a member of the Los Angeles Unified School Board and you honoring someone what do you say?

Well, if you are outgoing LAUSD member David Tokofsky you tell everyone their hometown was “friendly” to Nazis and the KKK. Like Westchester was Berlin in 1933 or something. The article is here.

BTW: the BusBoys first album “Minimum Wage” containing “KKK” and other fine tracks has been re-issued.

4 Responses to ““KKK””

  1. Says:

    >Who reading this remembers the BusBoys?

    I do. Saw them live at what used to be the Elephant Bar in La Jolla in the early ’80’s. But who could forget them? Their music was the driving force in the movies 48 Hrs, and Ghostbusters.

  2. Says:

    So do I Mike…great memory (you not me :)

    My fav KKK song…though…is The KKK Took My Baby Away….very funny song…I wish the liberals had the sense of humor on their sites that you guys do….great job.

  3. Says:

    Joe that is of course great and the Ramones at a Presidential Inaguration would have been better.

  4. Says:

    “Spent all day shinin’ shoes… when I got off I wanted somethin’ to do.”

    Great stuff, Joel Anderson and I were roommates at the time, perhaps the one time we agreed on a band, if not politically.