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Barry Jantz

Just How High is She?

I just received the following obviously-quickly-written missive from, and had to laugh.


Dr. Laura Schlesinger, the 4th highest radio talk show host in the nation, is urging her listeners to support Move America Forward’s "THESE COLORS DON’T RUN" national pro-troop/patriotic caravan (heading across the nation from Thursday March 8th – Saturday, March 17th) and the "Gathering of Eagles" event that takes place at the culmination of the national caravan.

See her "Call to Action" here: 

Find out where you can join the caravan or attend one of the 2 DOZEN pro-troop/patriotic rallies that will take place along the caravan route here:

OK, I know that Rush has been high in the past, and my guess is that Howard Stern has been a time or two, if not for the entire last 30 years, but I didn’t know that Dr. Laura ever partook.  Did I miss that in the tabloids?

Copy-editing prowess aside, MoveAmericaForward IS doing some good stuff…you may want to check the website for a rally near you.

4 Responses to “Just How High is She?”

  1. Says:

    Barry, you’re hilarious…and you’ve given me the munchies. (:

  2. Says:

    I find it hard to believe that a circa 1970-80s Eddie Money gal would know what the munchies are. (Ok, Jill, LATE 1970s).

  3. Says:

    Lol…you’re killing me, Barry!

    You’re making me feel like a very old 37 year old. (:

    And I’m blaming Sean Penn for my knowledge of what the munchies are…Fast Times at Ridgemont High…need I say more? He’s been a bad influence for a long time, huh…

  4. Says:

    Ok, Spicolli.

    On a side note, “Fast Times” Director Cameron Crowe wrote the screenplay to the movie based on his book, which he penned after posing as a student at his old high school in 79-80 to see how student life had changed.

    The actual high school was Clairemont High (, right here in San Diego.

    Several of the characters in the movie were based on real students (or composites of more than one), some of whom I had the pleasure of knowing at SDSU a few years later, including both a student body president and the editor of the Daily Aztec. One of the students, significantly characterized in the movie, ended up writing some of the first Computers for Dummies Books.

    No, not the Jeff Spicolli character.