On a party line vote, again, the Assembly Appropriations Committee pushed the early presidential primary to our floor, where the Assembly will probably take it up Thursday and send it off to the Governor’s desk. Appropriations Vice-Chair Mimi Walters offered amendments to ensure this bill had language to guarantee reimbursement to counties up to $88 million that this extra election will cost…the amendment was denied on a party line vote as well. Counties will have to rely on "trust us" intent language in the bill. I’m sure our county sheriff’s, libraries, and mental health departments will be happy to reduce their budgets to pay for what is really a term limit extension election. More to come….

February 28th, 2007 at 12:00 am
Thank you for giving us this “behind the scenes” look at another
hot Sacramento issue. I’ve worked for elected officials, and know
how crammed their schedules are. I don’t know how you find the
time, but your effort is appreciated.