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Tab Berg

Schwarzenegger MAY endorse

Online media is quickly outpacing the "real" media thanks to e-pioneers like Jon Fleischman (yes, a gratuitous compliment – he is the boss).  E-media and blogs are nimble, aggressive and timely — and it’s hard for the traditional media to keep pace.

(If you don’t believe it, note the resources papers like the Sacramento Bee are shifting to online reporting…)

So when rumors fly across the blogosphere that Governor Schwarzenegger was checking out of the Presidential race, I had to take notice.

But talking with sources "in the know", it’s possible these reports are just wrong.  In fact, Schwarzenegger may be planning an endorsement for the upcoming Presidential race — despite the reports on

If I’m wrong, I’ll post a mea culpa, but it makes more sense for him to endorse than not, so I’m betting one of the Presidential candidates will get a much anticipated phone call from the Terminator.

Here’s my thoughts:

The Governor is a media-genic star who loves the spotlight — sitting out the biggest political show on the biggest state just seems contrary to his character.

Second, his his involvement would be a big boost for California — and whomever he supports. Standing on the sidelines might leave California more open for competition, but it will be less important and much less interesting.

On the other side, the Governor has veered to the left on taxes and other issues, so perhaps advisors are telling him that avoiding the fray will alleviate consternation from GOP voters.

If that’s the case, the Governor needs to talk to other people.  Disengaging from the GOP by avoiding the primary will only create a greater sense of disenfranchisement for the Republican base. 

And if the rumor of endorsing someone who is not a Republican plays out, it would be an outright betrayal of the GOP base that stood by Schwarzenegger when everyone was chucking bombs at him.

So when credible people tell me Schwarzenegger may endorse before the Primary, it makes a lot of sense — despite reports from the emerging online media.

3 Responses to “Schwarzenegger MAY endorse”

  1. Says:

    I would be stunned if he didn’t endorse McCain given how hard McCain campaigned for his ballot measures in the Special election.

  2. Says:

    Arnold would be a fool to endorse in the primary.

    Why make folks mad when he plans to take on Barbara Boxer in four years.

    If he picks the wrong horse he will have 2/3 of the California GOP mad at him as well as a President that he did not support.

    The Governator is too smart to endorse in a partisan primary election.

  3. Says:

    The first rule of politics is to give loyalty first and foremost to the people who helped you when you needed it and I think everyone would understand a Schwarzenegger endorsement (which is also why it probably wouldn’t mean as much, but that’s a different topic). None of the other Presidential candidates has taken a significant risk to back the Governor’s political agenda. Even though I was on the other side, I can recognize the risk that McCain took by investing so much time and effort here and frankly I can recognize the blow he took by losing so badly. If you don’t reward people who take those kinds of risks for you, then no one will ever stick their neck out and you will never accomplish anything politically.