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San Bernardino County Update: Curt Hagman would be a Strong Candidate in AD 60 (Huff)/Dems taking second look at Jerry Lewis’ Congressional Seat?

Shortly after the conclusion of the CRP convention last week, my fellow FR correspondent Brandon Powers of the LA region shared his insights on the potential open seat in AD 60, currently held by conservative Republican Bob Huff.  Assemblymember Huff may vacate AD 60 to seek a potentially open State Senate seat. (I say “potential” as a result of the term limits modification measure that may be up in February).  My friend Brandon Powers lists several good candidates for the 60th, but he incorrectly identified the constituency’s demographics as only taking in a “sliver of San Bernardino County.” Read about it here.

Actually, AD 60 includes the growing and VERY Republican city of Chino Hills, which is actually the largest city in the district.  This means that any candidate who calls Chino Hills home begins with a geographic base that is crucial to success in this district.  Among those listed by Brandon Powers as possible GOP candidates for the 60th, he mentioned Curt Hagman, who is currently mayor pro tem of Chino Hills.  First elected in 2004 with a strong percentage of the vote, the popular conservative Republican Hagman would certainly be formidable, if not the perceived frontrunner, in an open seat contest.  Hagman is a rising star in San Bernardino County Republican circles – in addition to his electoral success in his council races; he also won a seat on the county Republican Central Committee, garnering nearly 6,000 votes.

In other San Bernardino County developments…

Even though San Bernardino County is trending away from the Democratic Party, it appears area Dems are gearing up for a try at the 41st Congressional District seat, currently held by incumbent GOP Congressman Jerry Lewis, who has served since 1978.  Fueled by ongoing published reports of possible ethical investigations into Congressman Lewis’ dealings with lobbyists and earmark distribution, Democrats are looking at making a run for the longtime Republican congressman’s seat.  San Bernardino County Democrats have just created a political action committee designed to finance a challenge in the heavily-GOP 41st District.

On Wednesday February 28, prominent Inland Empire Democrats will be meeting over dinner at a good local restaurant to specifically strategize this race – and help raise funds for their newly-former PAC.  Among those mentioned as interested in running for Lewis’ seat is San Bernardino lawyer Tim Prince, who is close to the area’s lone Democratic member of Congress, Joe Baca. Prince last ran for mayor of San Bernardino in 1997’s open race, where he fell short against fellow Democrat Judith Valles. Another possible Democrat hopeful is Rita Ramirez-Dean, a perennial Assembly candidate in longshot districts.

According to an e-mail transmission from those coordinating the event, the discussion will range from how to effectively challenge Congressman Lewis to how to win a potentially open seat, should Congressman Lewis retire.

Democrats listed on the Host Committee for the Democrat PAC’s inaugural event are San Bernardino Mayor Pat Morris, Ray Quinto, councilmember from Calimesa (and failed 2000 and 2001 Democrat Assembly nominee),and Susan Lien Longville, wife of former Democratic State Assemblymember John Longville.

Susan Lien Longville is a former San Bernardino city councilmember and the current director of Cal State University’s Water Resources Institute.  She recently praised  Congressman Lewis’ service by stating “The congressman [Jerry Lewis] worked beside community leaders from the moment he arrived in the Capitol to stop the Mentone Dam and force the Army Corps of Engineers to go back to the drawing board to design a vastly improved Seven Oaks Dam.”  As a professional in water management, Ms. Longville clearly would know what she’s talking about on this issue.

Also curious for their support of this PAC is Mayor Morris, who sought and accepted Congressman Lewis’ endorsement in his 2005 mayoral campaign.  Indeed, here’s Morris lavishing praise on Lewis:  “Congressman Lewis worked at our side to secure a settlement agreement from the Department of the Army that will save taxpayers more than $250 million in the next 50 years.” 

One must wonder if these two esteemed Democratic leaders will be repeating their salute to Congressman Jerry Lewis and his congressional service at this highly-partisan supper event, which is orchestrated to help turn a solid red GOP-held seat blue.

Although I’m not usually in the business of helping Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic speakership, I offer my December 12, 2006 report here on the demographics and political reality of the 41st Congressional District, free of charge.  Included in my report is a comment on the state of this district offered by eminent California Democratic political strategist Steven Maviglio.  Maviglio is truly a Democrat who understands a thing or two about California, and I say that with all sincerity.

Democrats who are thinking of running for the 41st Congressional seat would be wise to heed the professional advice of Maviglio, who honestly stated that the 41st Congressional District is “tough turf for Democrats.”

I think Mr. Maviglio’s comment speaks volumes about how California Democrats really view their chances of success in that seat.  But I do sincerely hope the Dems have a great meal.

6 Responses to “San Bernardino County Update: Curt Hagman would be a Strong Candidate in AD 60 (Huff)/Dems taking second look at Jerry Lewis’ Congressional Seat?”

  1. Says:

    I couldn’t agree more that Curt probably stands alone today as the front-runner, as these contests tend to be more about ideology and money than geography.

    But let’s get the facts straight here, in 2004 when this seat was last up, San Berdu made up for less than 13% of the votes cast.

    Curt may be (and probably is) the strongest candidate, but San Berdu still isn’t a big chunk of the district… that’s all I was saying.

  2. Says:

    I’m not really sure the Democrats really WANT to take out Jerry Lewis.

    There is some debate about what were the main reasons why Republicans lost Congress last fall — some blame the war, some attribute it to the various ethics scandals, others lay it on the feet of the spending largesse of the GOP.

    Jerry Lewis is literally the poster-child for the over-spending and pork-barrel culture that corrupted our majority.

    In ascending to become the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Lewis could have really become a spending hawk. He could have weilded the gavel of that Committee and declared that no project shall be funded for any Congressional District where it wouldn’t be more appropriate to lower taxes, and let our local constuents provide for themselves.

    Instead, he literally championed the notion of “bringing home the pork” — best examplified by millions of dollars in federal funds going to pay for an aquatic complex (read: swimming pool) for the City of Banning.

    Ask yourself this question — why, under any Republican vision of America, would it be the role or responsibility of the United States government to fund a swimming pool for a municipality in a state?

    Of course, the answer is that it is not. And thus you get to the heart of the problem with how our Republican majority lost site of its mission.

    Now many GOPers are to blame, if not most. And hopefully things will be different if the GOP rises back into power. That said, only Jerry Lewis was Chairman of the very committee charged with oversight of spending, and instead of standing up for limited government, he went to the dark side.

    So, why would Democrats want to have Lewis out of Congress? He is far more useful to them right where he is.

    I’ll end this comment with the caveat that my world-view is shaped from where I sit — and I welcome any divergent points of view.

    In the meantime, I remain discouraged that even with the loss of our majority, Republicans haven’t booted Lewis out of the top GOP spot on the Appropriations Committee. When they do that, we can all feel better about ourselves, I think!

    Clearly I need to expand on this more for FR readers, so I’ll start working on a column on the subject…

  3. Says:


    San Berdu is also known as San Berdoo.


  4. Says:

    The first thing to watch for if the Dems get their act together is an agreesive voter reg program. San Bdo County has experienced alot of growth in the last couple of years. The demogographics may not necessarily trend Republican.

  5. Says:


    You know who to call!

  6. Says:
