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Well Appointed: Curt Pringle

Anaheim Mayor and former Speaker of the State Assembly Curt Pringle was just appointed by the Governor to the Public Employee Post-Employment Benefits Commission.  He will serve with former UC Regents Chairman Gerry Parsky among others to find solutions to unfunded benefits for public employees.

You may recall reading that Mayor Pringle was also recently appointed by the Governor to the CA High Speed Rail Authority.

It’s not hard to figure out why the Governor would tap Mayor Pringle twice in as many weeks to serve on important statewide commissions–Pringle is a natural leader and a dynamic problem solver.  I like having Curt on my team no matter what the effort.

But these two appointments are helpful in proving a point of mine, that there is a major lack of leaders in government and politics today.  Perhaps it has always been that way, but among the thousands and thousands of elected officials in California, so few are leaders or have the ability to navigate the bureaucracy and accomplish big things.  There are very few like Curt Pringle.

So until something changes, expect Mayor Pringle to continue to be called upon to serve and solve problems.  Hopefully in higher office some day.