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Matthew J. Cunningham

Red County Launches San Diego Blog

Today Red County launched its third Red County blog — Red County/San Diego. San Diego is a natural place to launch a new RC blog, and we’re fortunate to have recruited an expansive — and still growing — blogpen of contributors, including:

  • Brian Bilbray: Congressman, 50th Congressional District
  • Mark Wyland, state Senator, 37th Senate District
  • Martin Garrick: Assemblyman, 74th Assembly District
  • Barry Jantz: former La Mesa Councilman and longtime San Diego  activist.
  • Jerome Stocks: Encinitas City Councilman
  • Jennifer Jacobs: award-winning partner in the Coronado Communications, a leading public affairs and political consulting firm.

We have a number of other contributors — some writing under their own name, and other who need to employ pseudonyms in order to blog freely. I invite all of our readers to check out Red County/San Diego, bookmark it and check it often to find out what is happening in our neighboring county to the south — which has surpassed as the state’s most populous GOP-majority county.

One Response to “Red County Launches San Diego Blog”

  1. Says:

    Matt — just to clarify, Mark Wyland represents the 38th Senate District. He posted his first entry to the blog this evening. Thanks for all that you do – keep up the good work!