I was very pleased to read the announcement that today Governor Schwarzenegger appointed retired State Senator Ross Johnson as the new Chairman of the State’s Fair Political Practices Commission. This is an outstanding appointment.
Ross Johnson is someone I have known since I first got involved in politics in the late ’80’s. By then, he had already cut his teeth as a conservative leader in the State Assembly, where he had been serving since 1978. I can remember like it was yesterday the hard-fought special election that Ross won in 1995 to become elected to the State Senate. It was a hard campaign, but a fun one. Ross was an outstanding candidate, and served as a great State Senator until term-limits forced him out of the legislature in 2004.
It’s not always that I know a high-level appointee well enough to gush-on about them like this, but since I know that Ross, a humble man, will hate every minute of it, I will take the opportunity share that he is perfect for this position, and I say this despite the fact that he and I have had some differences of opinion on some of the campaign finance limits that he advocates. First and foremost, Ross is one of the fairest and most ethical people that I know. He also possesses the leadership qualities that will enable him to really drive the ball at the Commission. His knowledge of the law, his keen awareness and understanding of the political process, will help him tremendously in this position where it all comes together. Of course, during Ross’ tenure in the legislature, he has pulled together more coalitions to stop more ill-advised legislation than probably anyone alive.
I think that what is most notable about this appointment is that it really emphasizes Ross’ lifetime commitment to public service. Ross’ retirement setup, I would imagine at a "pre-Prop 140" legislator would have to be pretty good. There is no doubt in my mind that taking this position, for Ross, did not pen out on a balance sheet very well. Not to mention that there is a big difference between fishing out on a boat, and sitting in an F.P.P.C hearing… That said, Ross has stepped up because I know that he cares deeply about this State, and, of course, he loves politics.
Ross just the right person for this spot. Congratulations Senator Johnson for your appointment, and a nod to the Governor for making a superb selection.

February 14th, 2007 at 12:00 am
Having been around this state for a while and others for an equal amount…rarely have I held such a high opinion of a legislator or one who taught me as much as Ross did. Ross Johnson is a real conservative…not the least bit arrogant…smart as hell…and understood that good policy was good politics. What a wonderful appointment.
February 14th, 2007 at 12:00 am
I cannot imagine a better person to appoint to this post. Jon and Joe are correct and add to that Senator Johnson knows more about political campaigns than all of the Assembly and Senate put together. His appointment will probably frighten the FPPC bureaucracy and the legislative candidates in equal portions because he knows it from all sides.