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Mike Spence

CRP off to at least one good start

I couldn’t believe my eyes. I received an email from the new Chairman of the California Republican Party about what was discussed at the CRP Board Meeting after the CRP Convention. I was stunned. Lately secrecy, runors and deceit were the orders of the day. This was a good start from new Chair Ron Nehring.  I should note a big thank you to Ron and the Board for my selection to continue as CRP Initiatives Committee Chair. 

Here is his email:

CRP Board of Directors Launches ’08 Campaign with Strategic Plan, Performance Review

With our convention now behind us, I wanted to personally thank you for the opportunity to serve as Chairman of our state Republican Party. With an important presidential and other elections just 21 months away, there’s a tremendous amount of work for us to do.

As we move forward together, it’s important to me that you be well informed on developments at the CRP, and actions the party is taking to maximize our opportunities for victory.

As promised, your new Board of Directors met immediately following Sunday’s convention general session for two extraordinary meetings. First, we held our first joint meeting of the Board with our County Republican Chairmen to discuss our state party’s strategic plan and specific action items for strengthening our party through our county committees. It was a great meeting that enhanced everyone’s understanding of the challenges, needs and opportunities of the county committees.

Following our meeting with the county leaders, your Board of Directors met for an intensive work session that produced several major accomplishments vital for the growth and strengthening of the party.

The Board has four new members: Vice Chair South Jon Fleischman, Vice Chair Central Valley Laura Gadke, Vice Chair Los Angeles Doug Boyd, and Budget Chairman Tony Krvaric. Past Budget Committee Chair Keen Butcher is now CCA President, past CCA President Tom DelBeccaro is now Vice Chairman, and Duf Sundheim is now Immediate Past Chairman. We have a first class team.

A comprehensive strategic plan was adopted, setting priorities and an action agenda for growth. The plan covers party building, campaign programs, streamlining our management and organization, and other key elements. We now have an excellent roadmap for the future and action items in the highest priority areas.

The California Republican Party Performance Review was initiated, providing the framework for a review our programs and operations so we take advantage of our first non-election year in four years to assess what works well, and where we can make improvements. Watch your email for updates as the Review gets underway.

Several leadership positions were filled so work can begin right away. The Board approved nominations for Chairs of the following committees: Tony Krvaric, Budget; Acquanetta Warren, Base Building; Tom Del Beccaro, Strategic Planning and Volunteer Organizations; Tim Morgan, Rules; Mike Spence, Initiatives; Luis Buhler, Audit. Additional leadership posts will be filled in the coming days and weeks.

Additionally: the CRP’s lease on its Sacramento offices was renewed and the County Executive Directors program was revised and renewed.

Looking ahead, a CRP State Leadership Conference to take place in May is now under development, combining multiple leadership and volunteer training opportunities in a single weekend conference. Watch for more information on the Leadership Conference in the coming days.

I’m boldly confident in our party’s future in California. We have great volunteers, elected officials, candidates, county committees, donors and activists. We have a solid plan, and a leadership team committed to implementing it. Plus, our party is on the winning side of the issues on the minds of Californians.

The 2008 campaign is under way, and the work of building the California Republican Party into a dominant political force to put our ideas into action has begun.

Thank you again for the opportunity to serve as your California Republican Chairman.

All the best,

Ron Nehring