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Matthew J. Cunningham

Mike Vallante Is Leaving CA GOP For Giuliani Campaign

11 days ago, I posted that Mike Vallante, the chief operating officer of the California Republican Party, would be leaving to join the Rudy Giuliani for President  campaign. The "rumor" was labeled as untrue.

Today, according to my sources, Vallante told the CRP staff he would be leaving to join the Rudy Giuliani for President campaign.

I’m shocked!

2 Responses to “Mike Vallante Is Leaving CA GOP For Giuliani Campaign”

  1. Says:

    The CRP Staff would like to clarify that we did NOT receieve an email or any form of commmunication stating that Mike Vallante was leaving the CRP to work on the Giulani for President campaign. Please feel free to contact us the next time you hear that and we would be happy to let you know if it is true. Thank you!

  2. Says:

    I never said he sent “an e-mail or any form of communication.” He told the staff he was leaving. My sources have been getting this info direct from the Giuliani